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New Families


We are delighted to welcome your family to Bishop Hoffman Catholic School. The following are some helpful links and explanations of what to expect in the coming year.  Please feel free to contact the enrollment office if you have further questions.  We will be happy to connect you with the department that may be able to provide you greater insight.  Let us know if we should add something to this list, too!


*Due to COVID-19 and current health regulations, some of this has been modified to ensure everyone's health on campus. 

  • Allergies and Medical Forms
    All parents are asked to complete a medical form upon signing of their tuition contract (will be emailed through docusign). Students with specific allergies will be asked to complete an additional form in order for BHCS to be fully prepared in the event of an allergic reaction. A new form will be completed for each school year. In addition, all students must meet the required State of Ohio laws regarding immunizations before entrance to school.
  • Billing
    BHCS utilizes Smart Tuition as our tuition management system. All parents are required to enroll their student through the Smart Tuition website. Billings will be sent depending on the billing cycle chosen at the initial enrollment. For questions regarding billing, please contact our Enrollment Coordinator, Pam Hines, via or 419-332-5124.
  • Books and School Supplies
    The link to the K-8 school supply list will be posted on our website in mid-May. Students in grades 9-12 will be given a list of necessary school supplies needed for each classroom on the first day of school. Each educator will have a specific supply list.
  • Extended Day Services
    BHCS offers Extended Day Services at both our Early Education Center and the Sacred Heart Campus. Hours are: Early Education Center: 6:30am-6pm Sacred Heart Campus: A separate bill will be sent home at the end of each month.
  • Athletic Team Registration
    Enter your answer here
  • Cafeteria
    Cafetria service is provided daily at the Sacred Heart Campus and the SJCC Campus. A monthly menu is posted on our website under each campus name. Students have the option of purchasing a hot lunch or packing their lunch. Milk is available for purchase if packing a lunch.
  • Campus Safety
    Our campuses are fully secure with each exterior door being locked at all times. The front entrance doors of each campus have a buzzer system which is linked to a video camera in the main offices. We also have video cameras monitoring the interior and exterior of our buildings 24 hours a day.
  • Class Schedules
    Class schedules are posted on Powerschool. A link to powerschool access can be found here:
  • Class Trips
    Field Trips may be taken (pre-COVID) in grades PreK-12. Addional fees may be assessed for the trips. 6th grade will spend a week at Camp Michindoh in Michigan. 8th grade takes a class trip (Washington D.C.). The senior class will attend a Kairos retreat as well as have a senior class trip which will be over several days. All trips were done prior to COVID and will be determined on a yearly basis.
  • Communication
    BHCS utilizes OneCallNow as our school alert system. To be added to the list, contact Sue Kusmer or 419-332-9947.
  • Email Addresses for Students and Staff
    Each K-12 student has their own email account. The email account is formated with their first name last Complete listing of our faculty and staff can be found here: Sacred Heart Campus Faculty/Staff SJCC Campus Faculty/Staff
  • Field Trips
    Enter your answer here
  • Holidays
    Enter your answer here
  • Chromebooks/Technology
    Enter your answer here
  • Parent Information Night
    A parent information night will be offered during the first couple weeks of school. This is a great chance to introduce yourself to the teachers as well as answer any questions you may have about the upcoming school year. Information provided will be specific to your child's classroom.
  • Parent/Teacher Conferences
    Parent/Teacher Conferences will be held after the end of the 1st quarter. A signup link will be provided for parents to register for the conferences. If an additional conference is needed throughout the school year, they may be requested through the student's teachers.
  • Parking for students
    Students at the SJCC Campus may park on any legal parking spots along the local streets. Additional parking may be used in the back lot of the St. Joseph Parish's parking lot (south side of school).
  • Dress Code
    The dress code is different at each campus. The complete list can be found in our BHCS handbook. K-8: khaki pants/skirt with red or navy blue polo shirts 9-12: gray pants/skirt with white oxford and navy blue blazer.
  • School Hours
    The school day at each campus is: Sacred Heart Campus: 8:45am-3:00pm SJCC Campus: 7:40am-2:35pm
  • Student Handbook
    The complete school handbook can be found on our website: School Handbook
  • Summer Reading
    Students in incoming grades 9-12 will be expected to complete our summer reading assignments. The assignments will be posted on our website in the end of May. Each grade level has a different required set of assignments.
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